We have now finished recruiting people to complete our survey of bereavement services - thank you so much if you participated. We are currently analysing the data everyone provided: representatives from over 140 organisations completed the survey.
We are currently conducting telephone interviews with people working in bereavement support. Thank you for sharing your experiences and views.
We conducted this national survey to:
Document the impact of the pandemic on bereavement services in the UK
Highlight innovation and challenges in bereavement support
Directly inform policy and advocacy for the bereavement sector
The survey was about:
The services provided and how these have been affected by the pandemic
How the pandemic has affected the demand and need for services
How the pandemic has affected staff
The challenges faced by organisations
Anything else organisations wanted to share
This survey was for managers/coordinators/bereavement care leads of voluntary/community sector (VCS)* bereavement services in the UK.
The survey closed on 14 May 2021.
We appreciate that this is a busy time for all those working in bereavement support and are really grateful for your help with the survey.
This survey was carried out by Cardiff University and the University of Bristol, with funding from UK Research & Innovation via the Economic and Social Research Council.
*By voluntary and community sector we mean non-profit, non-governmental organisations (e.g. charities, social enterprises, community groups). This does not include services provided solely by the NHS or commercial organisations, but does include palliative care or other bereavement services part-funded by the NHS. Eligible bereavement services could be stand-alone or embedded within a larger organisation.